Green Campaign: Greta Thunberg and Youth Activism

The hopes of the world rest on young people. -UN Secretary: Antonio Guterres Introduction: Climate is natural feature that the changes in it affect the entire life on the planet be it humans, flora or fauna. The adverse effects in our climate are not something new to us, numerous events have taken place to generate…

Green Campaign

School student council has launched The Indian Heights School’s very own Green Campaign Initiative which aims to : Inculcate the environment friendly habits in each heightian Talk about Climate change Focus on creating a clean environment Awareness on Eco restoration plans Now is the biggest question, Why to care about these these things? We care,…

Nature Breezes

We promised to give you a week full of countable content, so here we are with our last bundle of reading for the theme “Nature”. To remind you of the exciting mountainous terrains we have some amazing image captures by Trishna Choudhary (MUN Secretary) and Bhavya Sinha (Creative Prefect) Visits to the mountains are more…

Nature and Wildlife

“The continued existence of wildlife and wilderness is important to the quality of life of humans.” -Jim Fowler Nature is abode to wildlife. A number of animals begin their lifecycles amidst the lap of mother nature; they grow and meet their doom there. Nature includes both fauna and flora while wildlife mainly comprises of animals…

Seaside Serenity

Looks like Mother Nature blessed us today with her showers of blessing 😃! The exams are over (YAY!!), we have this amazing weather to enjoy, and the breeze!!! The only thing missing is a cup of tea and the sea! While we can’t make you a cup of tea, we can certainly bring sea vibes…